Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween in Nanjing

It is funny Halloween is one of my least favorite holiday's (I don't like to wear costumes) but I seem to have a lot of memories of it. Most of which are good.

Such as my first Halloween where I lost all of my candy because the rain made a hole in my paper bag. So my father took me around again and told all of our neighbors my sad story. Everyone felt so sorry for me that they gave me so many treats, I ended up with twice as much as everyone else.

Then when I went to college at Ohio University, the biggest celebration of the year was always their annual Halloween street party. My first few years, at OU, the school sponsored party and the students came up with some of the most imaginative costumes I have ever seen. Even I wore a costume. Although my costumes tended to be more practical than imaginative, such as dressing up as Tom Joad from the Grapes of Wrath, so I could wear something warm and comfortable.

Now, in Nanjing some friends of mine, Jack and Snow invited me to a Halloween party at their apartment complex. Jack and Snow are great; they are very personable and they put on a real treat for the kids and their parents. I had a great time.

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