But that was when things changed. I went over to Renmin Park and as I approached, I heard Brahms lullaby being played on wood wind over by the big fountain. So I went over there. When I got there I saw kind of a mini festival going on. The fountain was lit up and was full of kids in the water and everyones else talking with each other and watching the water. It was also cooler here due to a breeze from the ocean blowing across the water.
It was like a small festival; people were blowing bubbles for children to chase, and friends talking and relaxing with each othere. One group was launching a propeller toy that lit up when it flew. There was even someone flying a kite in the dark. It changed my mood completely.
While I leaned against a wall watching this little festival, a girl came up to me wanting to try her English out. For once I didn't feel like someone was trying to scam me and her parent who were near by seem to be happy that the Mei Gou Rin was being nice to their child. So I talked with her. Lucy was going into 7th grade and her pronunciation was good. She like school and discovery was her favorite class. Just as we began to run out of things to talk about the music and fountain abruptly ended. So I excused myself and finished my walk around the park feeling a lot better than when I started.